Great Vermont Corn Maze

Corn Mazes

One of the best things to do
as a couple or as a family in Vermont

 The Mazes cover 24 acres with miles of dirt trails that are lined with 10' tall walls of corn.   Lots of photo ops.

Come early and bring a lunch as you get lost in our corn maze with fantastic panoramic views!
Purchase Tickets
 Two Mazes
- One Price -

                      The BIG MAZE
The BIG Maze is a 2-3 hour hike through towering walls of corn, with unique things from past mazes
 including 100' of bridges, and
underground tunnel and
so much more.
100' of bridges throughout the Great Vermont Corn Maze
The SCENIC Maze is a 45 minute hike through the BIG Maze - perfect for those who want a taste of mazing but not the full 3 hour challenge
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