Great Vermont Corn Maze
What's the 2025 Maze Design? Every year we not only create a new design in our massive cornfield but we also create an entirely new way to solve it, complete with a new theme, photo ops and surprises. However, we do not reveal what our new theme is on our website or social media pages until we close for the season because our Maze Fans DO NOT want to know what the theme is. That's right. Our Mazers like to try to guess what the theme is as they journey to and through the Maze. Not knowing has become a "THING" for our many return mazers.
There is an actual aerial photo of the 2025 maze design hanging in the Gift Shop at the end of the Maze where you can track your journey through the corn pathways.
You may see the picture of our 2025 maze in magazines, newspapers or on national news
programs but we will not reveal it here until the end our our 2025 season because our fans have asked us not to.