Great Vermont Corn Maze
Since the trails are dirt, we are not open in heavy/prolonged rain. If the weather is questionable on the day you are planning to visit the maze, please check our website, facebook or Instagram page for our open/closed status. We update these pages by 8 am if we do need to close that day.
We open/closed based on several weather forecasts each morning. A forecast for a light mist or passing shower will not close us, but a forecast for increasing rain throughout the day will usually force us to close. Once we make a decision to close, we stand by that decision even if the forecast ends up being wrong and the sun come out. If we close, anyone who has purchased tickets online will be contacted regarding this closure.
NO. While we love animals, we are unable to allow any pets/animals at the maze. Only properly trained service animals will be allowed. Therapy and emotional support animals are NOT allowed. Additionally, there is no shade in the parking lot for your pets to stay in your vehicle.
No. Smoking, vaping, drugs and alcohol are not allowed on the premises. Violaters will be escorted off the property. And everyone who came with them must leave as well. No refunds.
We only sell snack foods, soda ice cream novalties and water. We recommed bringing your lunch and snacks or stopping at Marty's 1st Stop on Rt 2 in Danville, VT for a sandwich on your way to the Great Vermont Corn Maze.
Unfortunately, no. Due to the dirt trails, hills and the several sets of stairs in the maze, wheelchairs are not recommended at the maze. Motorized wheelchairs are not allowed within the maze because the soft dirt kills the batteries and our staff has had to pull several out of the maze by rope when their back up batteries died. So, for safety, they are not allowed in the maze.
The trails at the Great Vermont Corn Maze are generally hard packed dirt but can be made uneven at times due to rain/nature/etc. We recommend that you wear comfortable hiking shoes since the maze is situated on a hill that you have to walk up/down several times in order to solve the maze. Since the trails are dirt, we are not open in heavy/prolonged rain. In very dry weather, the trails can be dusty, so do not wear high heels or shoes you don't want to get dusty.
Strollers, wagons, anything with wheels will not work in the Maze this year due to repeated heavy rains - the trails are OK for walking but difficult for wheeled vehicles.
Admission to the Maze attraction includes: Big Maze, Scenic Maze, Pretendin Play Area and Barnyard Golf. Tickets are available online in Advance.
Please visit the Admission page. Admission varies based on month and online vs walk up ticket purchase.
We accept cash and credit card as forms of payment
Based on over 2 decades of experience, we do not usually recommend that groups visit our maze. Please email us at if you have a group who is interested in visiting the maze.
Mazing is a great summer activity. The corn is at its thickest and greenest, and the maze is at its greenest and most challenging in August thru mid- September. Late September and October mazing is like spring skiing - conditions might be good or poor. The Maze might hold up to fall storms or might get damaged. The weather might be good. Once the corn is frosted, the maze becomes easeir to solve and is easily damaged by storms.
Most tickets are sold online - so we are only open the times we have tickets sold online for in advance. Purchase tickets online for the most savings. Same day maze tickets can be purchased at the door. In person tickets can only be purchased at the maze during the times already open for online ticket customers - this time varies each day. Walk up tickets are always full price. Cash or Credit Card accepted
We are open 6 days a week weather permitting. Purchase tickets online to see which days we are open each week. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram, we post by 8 am on these pages if we need to close that day for any reason. We typically close 1 day each week for farm chores & maintenance.
August is the best/most challenging time for mazing, and is when most of our return customers visit. So we are open 7 days a week in August only.
Visitors who challenge the BIG Maze should be able to walk for at least 2 hours without a sit down rest. Persons with health concerns should consider visiting our 40 minute Scenic Maze and PRETENDIN Play Area. The average adult couple takes 2 1/2+ hours to solve the big maze.
The SCENIC Maze is approximately a 46 - 60 minute walk through the big cornfield using directions and special trails found along the way. The Scenic Maze ensures that you see all of the fun scenic stuff within the Big Maze but with out the hours of walking and frustration.
No, you can not drop of kids. Anyone ages 15 and under must have direct adult supervision. Unsupervised youths will not be allowed in the Maze, Pretendin and Barnyard Golf. 90% of teens do not enjoy mazing. Younger chidren can often enjoy the Big Maze with the help of supportive adults who enjoy mazing.
Young children with supportive parents can have a great adventure in either the Big or the Scenic Maze. Young children who are not able to hike for 2 hours should start their maze experience with the Scenic Maze. This will allow the family to see all the unique, fun things within the Big Maze but without the 2-3 hours of hiking or frustration. To ensure a good time is had with young children, a family should come prepared for a hiking adventure with proper shoes, snacks and water.
Unfortunately, 90% of teenagers 13 - 19 give up in less than 20 minutes and have little interest in really solving the maze.
All teens must have adult supervision at all times.
Radios and cell phones are not considered supervision.
The 10% of teenagers who like the challenge of the maze, return every year and we enjoy seeing them year after year. Younger kids often enjoy the Big Maze with the support of adults who enjoy mazing.
Cell service is spotty in our area of Vermont Boonies. We do not have any public wifi options.
There are no more bugs within the maze than there are outside of the maze.
We may need to close earlier due to weather issues - so we always recommend arriving as early in our season as possible. Our last day of the 2024 season is Monday, October 14, 2024 (but could be earlier depending on the weather)
The Great Vermont Corn Maze is the largest, most complex maze in New England with over 100' of bridges, an underground tunnel and a 2400 sq ft indoor blacklight Maze. There are hundreds and hundreds of turns, very few straightaways, so riding a bike though the maze would basically require you to balance your bike for 2-3 hours. Which is not fun to the majority of bikers. Bike on the roads and get lost in the maze.
The VTXL is a bike packing route that follows a maze of dirt back roads that wind from the northeastern Vermont border down to the Massachussett border.
While biking through a corn maze may sound interesting, it is little more than biking down a dirt road lined with cornfields.
The VTXL trail goes right past the Great Vermont Corn Maze, giving you a great opportunity to rest your "seat" and experience the challenge of our Big Maze or the Scenic Maze before continuing on your biking journey and spending the night in Danville, just 9 miles from the maze.
The Great Vermont Corn Maze is located between 2 waterparks. We recommend purchasing 9 am tickets to the corn maze so you can challenge the maze during the cool August mornings then spend the rest of your day cooling off at either Whales Tale Water park 40 minutes east in Lincoln, NH or 60 minutes north at Jay Peak Resort's indoor waterpark.
Summer is actually the best time for Mazing. The corn is tall, thick and green in August. This makes the maze its most challenging. Located in the northeast kingdom of Vermont, the Great Vermont Corn Maze situated on a hill so there is typically always a breeze and cooler than southern regions.
The number one attraction in North Danville, Vermont is the Great Vermont Corn Maze. This attraction is repeatedly voted one of the Top 10 Mazes in America, has been on several national TV programs and is included in the best selling book on Puzzles. Not only is it the largest, most complex maze in New England, but offers an adventure for a variety of ages and interests.
The Great Vermont Corn Maze is a "Vermont Style" theme park. It's located on a 5th generation family farm. Every Fall the corn from this attraction is chopped down and used to feed animals both wild and domesticated. The Pretendin Play Area is powed by children's imagination. no computers, no video screens. Just good old fashioned fun on a Vermont family farm.
No, drones are not allowed at/over the maze for the safety of our customers.